Thank you for taking some time to get to know us

There are so many things we wish to share with a child like: reading stories, taking trips, going to local parks, swimming, doing art activities, celebrating holidays, and cooking together. We want a child in our care to always feel loved, cared for, safe, and nurtured. We look forward to developing their interests and helping them find things that are unique to them. Education is also important, we have a passion for learning about the world around us and will do our best to ignite that passion in them. Through involvement in church and opportunities to serve people we hope to instill a kind nature toward others, the ability to find beauty in the world around them, and a love for themselves and others.
One of the most important things for anyone is family, and we understand that a child came from a family before they came to us. Interactions with previous relationships/family would be encouraged as long as it is safe for the child to do so. We would be open to having ongoing interaction with the child’s family, this could look like letters and phone calls or could be as involved as relative visits and in-person interactions depending on their comfort level.
We are approved to adopt up to 3 children from 0 – 14 years of age. If we can provide any additional information please feel free to contact our social worker Alyssa Bickford at or (804) 354-1881.